When you created an account in SAM Element platform, you will noticed a feature called “Inclusiveness”. This feature also listed in the pricing plans.
Inclusiveness feature is a feature that enable you to set your apps and/or devices whether should be Open or Closed. Note that not all account type provide you with this feature. Please check your account type limitation to get to know whether you have access to this feature. All newly created account will be set as Open account by default.
Each account which has access to this feature, may config their apps and devices inclusiveness. You can enable your apps and devices to be both Open, both Closed, or in combination.
So, what does it mean by Open and Closed?
When you set your devices as Open, it means your devices can be identified on every other Open app which belong to another account. And so when you set your apps as Open, it means your apps can identify every other open device which belong to another account.
When you set your devices as Closed, it means your devices can ONLY be identified on your own apps. And so when you set your apps as Closed, it means your apps can ONLY identify your own devices.
When I need to set my devices to Open or Closed?
The answer will obviously depend on your decision whether you would like to make your devices open (which is can be identified by another app), or you would like to keep it private which only your apps that have access on them. If you don’t develop your own app, then absolutely you need to set your devices to be open. Otherwise, how would you access and interact with it? But if you do develop your own app, then you may decide whether you would like to keep your devices private or not. If you would like any of your devices only available for your apps, then you may enable the Closed option.
When I need to set my apps to Open or Closed?
The answer obviously will be the same as above. If you would like your apps to be used as an open app who can identify every other open device circulating in the market, then yes you should set your app to Open. But, let say you develop an app for a private company and for internal use, and only offer devices developed in the company’s lab that have access to your app, then it is good decision to keep your app private by turn it into a Closed app.
How about the ready to use SAM IoT app, is it Open or Closed?
SAM IoT app is our official ready to use app that can be used by everyone. Hence it is an Open app.
Important Note:
The feature Inclusiveness only works for external identification in the IoT world within the same platform. It doesn’t have any effect inside your own account. It means, your apps will always can identify your devices, and your devices always can be identified by your apps, regardless of the state of Inclusiveness you set.
Last Update: April 11, 2019