

You can cancel your Subscription at any time. Please note that you must cancel your Subscription before it renews for a subsequent billing cycle in order to avoid being charged for the next billing cycle Subscription fee. If you cancel your Subscription, the cancellation will become effective at the end of the then-current billing cycle Subscription period. If you obtained your Subscription through a Subscription Provider, other than SAM Element, you will need to cancel your Subscription directly with such Subscription Provider.

No Refunds

REFUNDS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED FOR ANY SUBSCRIPTION. WE DO NOT PROVIDE CREDIT, REFUNDS, OR PRORATED BILLING, FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS THAT ARE CANCELLED IN THE MIDDLE OF A BILLING CYCLE. In such a circumstance, you will continue to have access to your Subscription until the end of the billing cycle. Each Subscription Provider reserves the right to offer refunds, discounts, or other consideration in select circumstances at its sole discretion. Please note that each circumstance is unique and election to make such an offer in one instance does not create the obligation to do so in another.



Last Update: July 28, 2019  

July 28, 2019   802   SAM Element    General, Legal Stuff    
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